Boy have I been busy!  With what? Well I am glad you asked!  Little Waffle started her competition season so gymnastics has been really crazy.  They have had two meets so far with two more before the State competition.  She has done pretty well but nothing to write home about, lol.  She is qualified for State and that is the most important thing.  We have another meet this weekend and I know she has come a long way since the last meet so I am hoping for good things BUT it is a HUGE meet so lots of competition.  So we will see.  

The next thing keeping me busy is my Biggest Loser Challenge that I have taken part in.  I have put in extra time exercising and watching my food intake.  I was doing really well for awhile, down 22 lbs until last weekend when I went to a concert and somehow came home 6 lbs heavier!  By the weigh in last Sat I had ballooned up 10 lbs!  I am down about 1/2 of that but still so much further to go that I shouldn't have had to deal with.  I am not going to beat myself up though, it is what it is! 

Finally I have taken on a couple of at home businesses that I am hoping will help me fund our next trip to Walt Disney World!! One is Jewelry in Candles.  You know those candles that have become all the rage with jewelry in the wax?  These are GREAT!
Please take a minute and let me know what you think!  The first person to order 5 candles will get a free gift!!

I am also an affiliate with Spirit Lockets.  They are lockets and charms. There are even bracelets which I am really digging!!  Look around here and please feel free to buy!!!
Hi sorry I have been MIA...again.  I have been crazy busy trying to teach my daughter and keeping up with her gymnastics schedule.  She started competition last week so things will be  a little crazy until about Christmas.  It's all good though, she loves it and this is why we home school, right? So back to the good stuff....
It has been 11 days since my last post.  I have to weigh in the morning so I will have to post that later but I wanted to post my measurements so we can compare. 

My starting numbers are from 9/4 and are as follows:
chest:50 (no bra)
waist: 42
hips: 48.5
thighs: 25.5

one month later, (10/12)  I now measure:
arms: 15.5
chest: 46.5 (wow!)
waist: 38.5
hips:  46.5
thighs: 25.25
for a total of 9.5 inches lost in a MONTH.   I am not mad!!!! 

Heading into month 2 of my biggest loser challenge and I am excited.  I finish up my HCG tomorrow so now I can focus on proper calorie deficits for losing! 

I will be back tomorrow with a current weight!  Til then......tootles!
yep Day 27 already!  wow.....

starting weight: 242.7
current weight: 224.4
change: -0
total lost so far: 18.3

It's amazing how far I have come yet I still have so far to go.  Later this week I will do measurements to compare with those I took on 9/4.(so I will do it on 10/4)

I have been competing in a biggest loser competition and I have come in either 1st or second most lost every time, so not going to complain.  However I will say I had a bit of an over reaching weekend and splurged a little so I am feeling icky today.  Today is a new day though so I am back at it and back on track. 
I am sorry I have not been around as much as I wanted to but thing have been a little crazy.  I am still trying to make this site what I want it to be.  Plus I got a few crochet orders which have been keeping me busy.
I hope to be around a little more but now we are moving into competition season for my daughter at gymnastics.  Her first meet is THIS Saturday!  She basically has a meet every other week after that.  

And on top of everything, hubby and I have been discussing out next Disney trip.  We aren't as on top of the money part as we would like to be so we are trying to decide should we book or wait. (who can suggest a REALLY good way to make money while I am still home with my daugh I think we should go ahead and book, it is better to have the room reserved, so when they announce free dining we have our spot. (we don't plan on going until Dec 2014!)  I just have to have time, without kids, to really talk to him about it.  ughhhhhhhh
starting weight: 242.7
current weight: 232.4
change: -.4
total lost so far: 10.3

Yesterday was a tough day. Usually Tuesday is my favorite day of the week because it is the ONLY day my daughter doesn't have gymnastics so it is the one day we can relax and not have to rush around but I find all that 'relaxing' and being home all day made me much more susceptible to wanting to much all day.  I did cave and have a couple of my husband's caramel nut clusters but the desire to eat was much worse than what I caved and did. 

I did get out and walk approximately 3 miles though.

I am not going to beat myself up for having the candies, I am actually proud I didn't eat more than I did.  I am still down about a 1/2 pound and today is a new day. 

I am packing my lunch to go to our home school co-op where we will be most of the day.  I am trying to be preemptive....
starting weight: 242.7
current weight: 235.2
sorry I am late posting this, yesterday...honestly all weekend was busy, busy, busy.

I can't completely remember what I at Saturday so I am not even going to try to post food but I do want to mention I started a biggest loser challenge Saturday night...GO Purple team!!!  Anyway, we have a 21 day cut the crap challenge...yeah on that already.  Haven't had anything white since last Wednesday! 

starting weight: 242.7
current weight: 234.8

A little upset with my results today but I know the closer I get to the 10 down mark I tend to get a little slow down and things don't "move" so well....if you know what I mean.  I also know because of the crazy day I had yesterday I ate ok but I did eat a piece of sausage which wasn't a great idea but I did avoid the cake!

This morning I started working out.  I completed the entire Walk at Home dvd, 5 miles with high calorie burn to target, arms, legs tummy and just plain speed depending on which mile you were on.  I burned approximately 872 calories and since I have yet to eat today I am in a way negative calorie place, lol.....I think I will go eat an apple before I shower and then get to schooling my daughter.    I am going to be right on track today...2.1 pounds to my first 10 pound mark...I hope to hit that tomorrow!

I decided to start from scratch with a whole new set up and try to combine everything I am interested in all on one website rather than just having a blog.  This will be a work in progress for awhile, I hope I like this site I chose.  Join me for the ride! 

The first thing I would like to update people about is my diet.  I know a lot of people were keeping up with my adventure last year.  I have kept the weight off but tried a lot of other versions of HCG, none of which have worked, since then.  So now I have decided to return to what worked.  I will be starting the HCG injections again as soon as my order arrives.  More on that when it gets here.

Secondly, school  my daughter generally known on my blogs as Little Waffle is really not so little anymore but we will stick with the name until I can get creative enough to come up with a new one.  Anyway, Little Waffle will begin third grade on August 27th, more about my plans for her in a separate post.  Baby Waffle (who is now 4) will begin pre-k on August 26th.  He continues to receive speech therapy twice a week and is really having attachment issues so he will be going to a state funded pre-k.  I have pretty much decided to decide how I handle his education as he progresses.  It will depend on how he is acting by the end of school year whether he goes to public kindy or joins us at home. 

Finally, I make it my mission to find any site I can to earn money.  I will never get rich with these sites but hey a dollar is a dollar and it is all building to go towards our next trip to Disney.  I am working on a separate area especially for listing the sites I find that I have been making any amount of money on.  Please take a minute and sign up for any you find interesting!!!  That is all for now....more soon!