yep Day 27 already!  wow.....

starting weight: 242.7
current weight: 224.4
change: -0
total lost so far: 18.3

It's amazing how far I have come yet I still have so far to go.  Later this week I will do measurements to compare with those I took on 9/4.(so I will do it on 10/4)

I have been competing in a biggest loser competition and I have come in either 1st or second most lost every time, so not going to complain.  However I will say I had a bit of an over reaching weekend and splurged a little so I am feeling icky today.  Today is a new day though so I am back at it and back on track. 
I am sorry I have not been around as much as I wanted to but thing have been a little crazy.  I am still trying to make this site what I want it to be.  Plus I got a few crochet orders which have been keeping me busy.
I hope to be around a little more but now we are moving into competition season for my daughter at gymnastics.  Her first meet is THIS Saturday!  She basically has a meet every other week after that.  

And on top of everything, hubby and I have been discussing out next Disney trip.  We aren't as on top of the money part as we would like to be so we are trying to decide should we book or wait. (who can suggest a REALLY good way to make money while I am still home with my daugh I think we should go ahead and book, it is better to have the room reserved, so when they announce free dining we have our spot. (we don't plan on going until Dec 2014!)  I just have to have time, without kids, to really talk to him about it.  ughhhhhhhh

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