starting weight: 242.7
current weight: 232.4
change: -.4
total lost so far: 10.3

Yesterday was a tough day. Usually Tuesday is my favorite day of the week because it is the ONLY day my daughter doesn't have gymnastics so it is the one day we can relax and not have to rush around but I find all that 'relaxing' and being home all day made me much more susceptible to wanting to much all day.  I did cave and have a couple of my husband's caramel nut clusters but the desire to eat was much worse than what I caved and did. 

I did get out and walk approximately 3 miles though.

I am not going to beat myself up for having the candies, I am actually proud I didn't eat more than I did.  I am still down about a 1/2 pound and today is a new day. 

I am packing my lunch to go to our home school co-op where we will be most of the day.  I am trying to be preemptive....

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